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Girl Grandeur Zimbabwe encourages girls to make a difference in their community by leading projects for social change. We offer platforms for girls to speak up and discuss issues they believe are important to them in society, while providing an open-minded environment for girls to learn and grow. Girl Grandeur Zimbabwe works with inner-city girls to help empower them for a successful future through programs (online and offline) around the community. We hold mandatory activities on every third Saturday of the month in addition to other projects in between.
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Our Approach
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Our programs and projects address academics, pregnancy, drug abuse prevention, new media literacy, economic literacy, sexual and reproductive health, healthy decision making, opportunities for youth, efficient media usage, peer pressure, bullying, body image issues, communication, leadership, friendship and other relevant topics. Through our publications, social media networks, discussions (online and offline), projects and activities, the girls learn to explore themselves, strive for the best and reach their maximum potential.
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“There’s something in you that the world needs.”
Girl Grandeur Zimbabwe’s creative writing competitions were designed to promote creativity, encourage freedom of speech, critical thinking and story-telling skills to empower high school girls. Girl Grandeur Zimbabwe aspires to make it possible for young Zimbabwean girls to realise the true value and possible power of their unique voices. We hope that the young girls become fearless and relentless in speaking out and sharing their stories and perspectives in our society. These young women can shape their future and we give them the skills that they can use to build their careers in the media. In addition, the organization teaches girls how to advocate for themselves and their communities, using their voices to promote positive change.
Grandeur Zimbabwe is a positive environment where girls can learn life coping skills and build friendships through fun activities for charity. The members suggest these charitable projects and the Girl Grandeur Zimbabwe committee then sets up the logistics and develops the calendar. This allows us to develop diverse projects that the girls can relate to and find relevant to their communities
Queen Teen Magazine is a program that builds high school leaders and gives them the opportunity to share their experiences while portraying them as positive role models. Our readers, high school girls, have the chance to learn that they are not alone in the issues that they face. We believe that the lessons learned in Queen Teen Magazine contribute to girls becoming more confident, service-minded women with better priorities. Girl Grandeur Zimbabwe works to provide girls with confidence building skills through creative writing. Young girls can express themselves in a non-judgmental environment through the creative process of writing.
Ask GiGi is a program designed to discuss and address issues that high school girls are facing during their influential early teenage years and to help them deal with such issues. Ask GiGi is a confidential and yet beneficial Agony Aunt. The girls can ask their questions to GiGi on whatever platform they prefer to get some advice or basic counselling depending on their situation. Our premise is to help these young teens build self-confidence, develop leadership skills and recognize the value of community service and this cannot happen if the girls are stressed out, frustrated, scared or concerned about real life issues.
Girl Grandeur Zimbabwe is also an online organization that has created a virtual online community for girls to share their thoughts, interests, feelings, and goals in a positive environment. This works to break down the digital divide, by bringing girls together in a safe and respectful online environment. As part our online strategy, we aim to launch a vlog that members will take turns to host. The vlog will be a visual representation of our discussions and debates around hot topics for women. The different hosts will ensure diverse voices and opinions, which contributes to the appeal factor of the vlog.
Girl Grandeur aims to raise awareness and encourage others to address issues for girls such as cyber bullying, sexual and reproductive health, drug and substance abuse, child marriages, etc. while teaching girls basic skills that they may use to build themselves and to set-up income generating projects. The Internet has brought about a wide plethora of opportunities and as Girl Grandeur Zimbabwe, we would like to ensure that young girls are adequately equipped and strategically positioned to benefit from the said opportunities. This training includes basic newsgathering skills, blogging, editing, photography, graphic design and producing quality content.