
Elinah Success Mangena

Elinah Mangena is truly the epitome of success and what it means to be a go getter. I started following her work online a few years ago through my wonderful friend Mbo Mahocs. I knew there was something special about her magic touch. I am a huge cheerleader of women who are successful and those who are yet to discover the lioness in themselves. So I made a promise to myself that I would book her services as soon as a glamorous opportunity showed up on my doorstep. It did. Elinah was my make up artist for the Bulawayo Arts Awards that I was privileged to host. She did a stellar job. Apart from that she is a serial networker, a solid business woman and an award nominated make up artist. She is also a self published author who uses the power of the written word to inspire any woman or man to go after their dreams and stretch themselves. I couldn’t wait to introduce you to her. Meet one of our Marigold Series woman, Elinah Success Mangena.

Who is Elinah Success Mangena?

Elinah Success Mangena is a 30 year old young woman , highly motivated and strong willed . She is an award nominated make up artist , author and image consultant.

Did you ever imagine yourself as a make up artist? What led to this career choice?

No , if there is any career I could  have pursued professionally it would have been in athletics or dancing, but a huge part of me is also academic. Being a make up artist fell into my lap by a sheer coincidence , or I as believe by God’s grace. I never had any interest or knowledge of the beauty industry. My roommate showed me the ropes . I later enjoyed beautifying myself and people took interest and asked me to do their make up. The rest is history.
You recently hosted another successful make up Masterclass. What was the experience like? 

This was special , it was the first time I did a 3 day masterclass . The planning was very overwhelming yet so rewarding in the end. When you get to see the students progress from beginner level to proficient level it’s an empowering experience for myself as well as my guests. To have some of my celebrity clients involved and being models for the day was truly humbling.

What has been your favourite milestone in your journey thus far?

I would have to say it’s having to see my clients  happy with their personal transformation for a special event or milestone in their lives.  It’s something that I cherish and seek to achieve each day. 2021 was also a monumental year for me as I was nominated for the ASEA Awards. I was blown out of my mind that my work was shortlisted for this honour. Publishing my book was a scary process that also stretched my limits but certainly a mile stone to celebrate as well.

Who would you say is the biggest artist or celebrity you have worked with and how did that shape your career further?

Basetsana Khumalo is my favourite high profiled client that I have previously worked with. I learnt a new level of poise from her.  I remember I was a bit late getting to her . I was getting lost trying to find the main gate to the venue.  When I got there I was panicking because this is “Basetsana” we are talking about , but she was calm and offered to make me tea . My highlight of the experience was for her to be happy with the finished look . It was affirming to know that I was on track.

What is the one mistake most women make when it comes to skin care or make up?

The one mistake that I have observed that women make is that they use other people’s experiences to make decisions on what to use on their skin. My advice would be , identify your skin type to know which skin products are suitable for your skin. The same applies to makeup , and also never sleep with your makeup.

What is your favourite brand for the following products?

Foundation … Kryolan
Lipstick … Hues and Tones
Eyeliner … Essence
Lashes … Esmangena
Mascara … Yardley

What is your fav holiday destination and why?

Victoria falls is a beautiful destination . It was once named as one of the 7 wonders of the world . It is such a magnificent place to refresh , enjoy the culture of our country and the people are very welcoming.

BMW or Mercedes Benz? – Both ( lol)

Ice cream or chocolate?  – Ice Cream

Vogue or Elle Magazine? – Neither

Durban or Cape Town and why? – Durban. It has friendly people , much warmer weather and their food is much nicer.

Your 5 favourite bible scriptures?

Ex 23 vs 25
Isaiah 54 vs 4
Psalms 91
Leviticus  26 vs 9-13
Proverbs 3 vs 24- 25

Your favourite bible character and why?

It would have to be Jesus. There is no one better than him. He is a teacher, healer and a patient friend.

Any future plans of expanding the Elinah brand?

Yes, certainly a beauty academy and a cosmetic line are in the pipeline.

What other initiatives are you working on that you would love our readers to support you on?

I run Elinah initiatives that focus on skills  development, providing free beauty  masterclasses (hair, nails, makeup etc )   and stationery. We also have a soup kitchen that feeds any one that needs food on special occasions.

Which M.U.A would you live to collaborate with?

Make up by Elana or James Charles … definitely
Words of inspiration to self taught creatives?
I would say just start, find your lane and stay in it as well as ensuring you find means to invest in yourself . Success requires focus so  shut your ears to the noise no matter what people say about the industry being saturated …. just GO or it.
Elinah Mangena is definitely the girl next door. Someone we all can see ourselves in. Going after all her dreams and impacting the men and women around her. Inspiration is always around us. I hope to those that follow her work and look up to her you have been inspired. Thank you for honouring us and sharing your story Elinah!!
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