
radiant skin

Have you ever stared at your mirrored reflection in disbelief because instead of seeing ‘cute you’, all you see is a dishevelled image grinning back? Yeah right, winter mirrors have a funny way of presenting what you NEVER anticipate, simply because that time of the year isn’t that chiq or friendly. If you don’t up your skin moisturising game, you might find yourself more chapped than fair. So if you’re as tired of chapped skin as I am this winter, you need these go-to moisturisers. They’re must-haves, because not only do they work wonders, but they’ll keep your skin glowing and radiating in the mist!

  1. Shea Butter.

A perfect moisturiser which is soft on the skin and gentle when applying, shea butter cream might salvage your skin this winter. Considering that the butter is natural if bought in a ‘raw’ state, there are little side effects it poses, so you can whip it up with your usual hydrating cream. It will aid in locking-in the moisture, whilst also giving off that aromatic scent that is welcoming and soothing.

2.Essential Oils.

There are a wide array of essential oils which can come to the rescue in winter BUT, you need to pick the right ones. The must-have essentials include coconut, almond, jojoba, avocado or olive oils. These contain fatty acids, which penetrate the pores effortlessly without leaving a greasy feeling. So to avoid the extra ‘shine’, you can mix them with a bland lotion so as to also maintain their fragrance.

3.Petroleum Jelly.

A babycare delight, petroleum jelly is a must-have in winter as it works pretty well on the lip, and also shields feet from cracking. Not only does it help repair damaged skin, but it is also warm after application. Who wants to snag their overpriced stockings with cracked heels, which simply need a lick of petroleum jelly? Not me definitely, so to avoid the inconvenience, grab a P.J. bottle! And remember to thank me later, after your heels, skin and lips mend.

4. Glycerine.

While you want to maintain your make-up regimen, winter can play punk on you, causing unnecesary breakouts. That’s when glycerine comes into play, as it is a good make-up remover. Since it is water-based, you can mix it with an essential oil and just swab your face with a cottony facial pad. A great toner, facial mask and leave-in conditioner, glycerine is definitely perfect for every skin type!

P.S. Winter has a funny way of humbling even the best of us, so always be on the look out because summer is coming, and you definitely want to be slaying in that bikini/short with perfectly smooth skin. (*wink*).

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