

Funny how I never – in a thousand years – dreamed of spending 24/7 indoors, slouching on the couch and munching away on some popcorn, whilst constantly refreshing my screen for the latest Netflix movies. Life is unpredictable, and some twists just elevate one’s state from zero to hundred…and here I’m simply referring to being stuck at home!


Most of us are finding ourselves wearing sleepwear more often than not, and we have all of a sudden forgotten to add some kinky finesse to our night-turned-day clothes. That sexy, girly-girl feeling is what we all crave for, so don’t lose yourself in that boring nightie. Spice it up a little, and get shopping online for these three essential looks that you can get away with during this Covid-19 lockdown:

1. The Onesie

If you’re that chicky, yet laid back girl who simply hates having to button up the whole shirt, the onesie is our thing so, cheers to us! Buying a onesie is the way to go, as it saves you the hustle of putting on too many pieces. Plus since winter is staring blankly into our faces now, a warm and colourful cartoon themed or polka-dotted onesie is a must-have. So go over to a departmental store online, add it to your cart, and have it delivered at your doorstep!


2. A fluffy gown
Who doesn’t love fur honestly? We all do, especially if the fur is comfy enough to be worn late afternoon, while you lackadaisically flip through a novel. A fluffy gown is ideal, because not only is it cosy, but it can also up your ratings on your IG #stayhome #staysafe uploads. Who said staying indoors, in a nightgown should be boring? Plus, soon when life isn’t all stay-home-all-day, you won’t have time to show that fluffy gown off. Go grab it, have it and remember to flaunt it!


3. Get Lacey…
Just to keep that love spark burning, there’s nothing more alluring than a lace nightie that is comfortable to rock in the living room as you eat dinner with your better half. Instead of wearing that oversized T-Shirt that you inherited from your brother, order something that says, “Yes I’m stuck indoors, but I’m still a tigress underneath my skin.”


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